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【太阳集团集团】 Understand Lei Feng spirit, learn Lei Feng spirit!

2024-03-06 10:34:27

Learn from Lei Feng, tree new wind

March 5 learning Lei Feng Memorial Day

Harbin Technical SchoolMarch 5 this year, is the 61st learning Lei Feng Memorial Day, is also the 25th China Youth Volunteer Service Day。Over the past 61 years, the spirit of Lei Feng has been deeply engraved in the hearts of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, and has become an important symbol of spiritual civilization in our era. Under the interpretation of generations of Chinese sons and daughters, it has been constantly renewed and sublimated, inspiring generations of young students to contribute to society and grow up。

The origin of Lei Feng Memorial Day

Harbin Technical School

After Comrade Lei Feng died in the line of duty, his diary and deeds have been reported by some news media。China Youth Magazine considered Lei Feng a role model for peacetime youth and planned to introduce Lei Feng in a joint issue on March 2, 1963。2月17日他们给毛主席写信希望他能为雷锋题词,毛主席看信后为了全面概括雷锋同志“一切从人民利益出发,全心全意为人民服务”的精神,写下了"向雷锋同志学习"这一题词。3月2日,毛主席的题词在《太阳集团集团》上刊出了。4, Xinhua News Agency issued a press release。5日,全国各大报纸纷纷刊载毛主席的"向雷锋同志学习"的题词。Later, the central government decided to set March 5 as the memorial day for learning Lei Feng。

Lei Feng spirit

Make screws that never rust

Lei Feng, real name Lei Zhengxing。He was born into a poor farm family in 1940。Less than 7 years old became an orphan Lei Feng to taste the hardships of life, with the passage of time, Lei Feng gradually grew into a young backbone of the construction of the motherland, "to put the limited life, into the infinite service for the people.。"If you are a z small screw, do you always stick to your post in life...""Some people look at me and say I'm a fool."。In fact, they do not know that I want to save this money and do something beneficial to the people and the country。If this is a fool, I am willing to be a fool, the revolution needs such a fool, the construction of the motherland also needs such a fool。He has been practicing the spirit of the screw with action。

Lei Feng spirit

Make screws that never rust

Lei Feng, real name Lei Zhengxing。He was born into a poor farm family in 1940。Less than 7 years old became an orphan Lei Feng to taste the hardships of life, with the passage of time, Lei Feng gradually grew into a young backbone of the construction of the motherland, "to put the limited life, into the infinite service for the people.。"If you are a z small screw, do you always stick to your post in life...""Some people look at me and say I'm a fool."。In fact, they do not know that I want to save this money and do something beneficial to the people and the country。If this is a fool, I am willing to be a fool, the revolution needs such a fool, the construction of the motherland also needs such a fool。He has been practicing the spirit of the screw with action。

Lei Feng spirit

Where there is life, there is struggle

On August 15, 1962, Lei Feng was killed while performing official duties。His life was forever frozen at the age of 22。His life is not thrilling, nor magnificent, but with small accumulation to complete the shape of life: "Only a drop of water into the sea will never dry up, a person can only have power when he integrates himself with the collective cause.。Lei Feng has been acting to practice every word he said, there is full of selfless, friendly, saving, helping others, self-discipline, dedication, endeavour, study: "Youth ah, is always beautiful, but the real youth, only belong to these people who always strive for the upper hand, always selfless labor, always humble people.。”

Lei Feng spirit

Be there for others when they need you

Today, Lei Feng is no longer a name, he has become a great spirit, a belief of the people, a monument of The Times, into the blood of the people, affecting generation after generation。The spirit of Lei Feng has become our spiritual food and behavior guidance, sowing at any time, flowering at any time, the path is long, dotted with fragrant flowers。When we see a good man, we think of him。When we do good, we become like him。

The spirit of Lei Feng is never out of date

The Times are changing, a generation has a generation's mission, and the Lei Feng spirit is never out of date。Countless Chinese people are following Lei Feng's footsteps, walking on the road of struggle, walking on the road of serving the people, and walking on the road of fighting against the epidemic。Not everyone must have earth-shattering feats, ordinary people also have extraordinary goodwill, and ordinary people can also have extraordinary achievements。Do yourself well, be kind to others, be grateful, and have a clear conscience for the motherland。Is the spirit of Lei Feng!

Few earth-shattering, more is a trickle, clear bottom;More light fragrance, refreshing;More is a kind of inertial thinking, a subconscious action, a hint of natural inadvertent。The consciousness of "learning from Lei Feng" has been imperceptibly integrated into every detail of our lives, and "learning from Lei Feng" is with us every day。We firmly believe that as long as there is love, every day is learning Lei Feng day!

The spring breeze is warm in March

Learn from Lei Feng at that time

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